Complete the table below with information from the monolog.tolong guys besok dikumpulin sabrynachristiansenulv – March 11, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Pls woyy Jan ngasal lah bnyak poinnya sabrynachristiansenulv – March 09, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Add with 's' or 'es' on the verbs in brackets.1. Susan usually (try) to do the tasks well. Answer: .....2. Rena always, (do) the homework carefully.Answer:... 3. Betty often (mix) some milk with coffee. Answer:...4. Dian (have) some bread and milk for breakfast Answer:... 5. Bonita (make) some biscuits everyweek. Answer:.... sabrynachristiansenulv – March 05, 2023